Cohort 02​
Coming Soon!

Submit your solution as an individual or as a team (up to 5 members) to join the hackathon at the BUFT campus. For any assistance, contact us at

Team Information

All fields required.

Member 1 (Team Leader)

Member 2

Member 3

Member 4

Member 5

Idea Submission

Provide a brief description of the specific waste-related challenge in the apparel industry that your team wants to address and the innovative ideas to solve this challenge. Your submission should include problem statement, Solution Overview, Implementation and Potential Environmental Impact (minimum 300 words). *
Maximum file size: 480 MB

Referral Source

Team Information

All fields required.

Hackathon Participation

All fields required.

Referral Source

Member 1 (Team Leader)

Member 2

Member 3

Upload a document or share your idea in a more creative format like a video, visual, or presentation (Max File Size 25MB)